Greenwich Council has announced a u-turn on its rejection of a proposal from Opposition Conservative councillors to extend the ‘no-fine’ period for the Greenwich and Blackheath Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs). No fines will now be issued until 2nd January 2025, after a “shambolic” implemention of the scheme that has seen signage not installed on time, and a widespread lack of clarity on confusion on the rules residents are expected to follow.
Conservative Opposition Leader Matt Hartley proposed an extension of the 3-week ‘familiarisation’ period (during which no Penalty Charge Notices would be issued) at the Town Hall on Wednesday - with the idea rejected by the Cabinet Member for Transport, Labour’s Averil Lekau.
48 hours later the Council hurriedly announced that the no-fine period would be extended until 2nd January 2025.
Councillor Matt Hartley told The Greenwich Wire: “I’m glad the Council administration has u-turned so quickly on this, after initially rejecting my proposal to extend the no-fine period at the Town Hall. It was completely absurd for the Council to be fining residents for confusion they themselves have caused thanks to their botched implementation of these changes.
“This troubled start for the Council’s latest traffic scheme imposed on Greenwich and Blackheath hardly bodes well for the next 18 months. And this will only add to the sense of history repeating itself, as so many of us warned would happen.”